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Intuitive Gestaltung

Dank nativ integriertem Gutenberg Editor

Die GREYD.SUITE ist die einzige All-in-one Lösung, die den neuen Editor von WordPress vollständig integriert hat. Die nativen Funktionen haben wir an vielen Stellen erweitert und um starke GREYD.SUITE Features ergänzt. Das Design gestaltest du global für die gesamte Website im Customizer.

  • GREYD.Popups

Automatisierte Pop-ups im Design deiner Seite

Mit dem integrierten Pop-up Builder gestaltest du einzigartige Pop-ups automatisch im Design deiner Website. Dir stehen unterschiedlichste Auslöser, Animationen, Regeln und Module zur Verfügung.

  • GREYD.Hub

Alle deine Projekte in einem Backend

Egal wie viele Seiten deine Installation enthält: Im GREYD.Hub kannst du alle deine Seiten zentral verwalten, mit nur einem Klick Inhalte, Designs oder ganze Seiten importieren und exportieren sowie Back-ups übersichtlich verwalten.

  • GREYD.Forms

Professionelle Formulare erstellen

Ob einfaches Kontaktformular mit Double Opt-in, Conversion-optimiertes Lead-Formular oder komplexe Multistep-Formulare mit CRM-Anbindung und mathematischen Berechnungen – mit GREYD.Forms brauchst du keine zusätzlichen Plugins!

  • Dynamic Templates

Nutze die ganze Power von WordPress

Mit Dynamic Templates reduzierst du den Aufwand für Aufbau und Pflege deiner Seite massiv und kannst Inhalte von Redakteuren ohne WordPress Kenntnisse pflegen lassen.

„It’s not an experiment if you know it’s going to work.”

Jeff Bezos
Mehr als nur Beiträge

Individuelle Beitragstypen

Ob Standorte, Mitarbeiter oder FAQ: Die GREYD.SUITE macht dir das Erstellen von Custom Post Types und Custom Taxonomies maximal einfach. Vereinfache die Datenpflege im Back-end und gestalte deine Inhalte flexibel.

Zeige deine Custom Post Types in Post Übersichten mit beliebigem Layout:
Oder benutze die WordPress Standard Beiträge für verschiedene Use Cases:

Pioneering the Future of Built Environment Monitoring with MULTICLIMACT

MULTICLIMACT presented advancements in Building Information Modelling, sensors, and digital technologies for enhancing built environment resilience at IEEE MetroLivEnv 2024 in Greece. Zamora has won the Best Conference Paper Award. CRETE, Greece. 14 June 2024 – As part of the IEEE MetroLivEnv 2024 conference, held on June 12-14 in Chania, Crete, Greece, the MULTICLIMACT project…

MULTICLIMACT Project Takes Center Stage at KEY Conference

Dr. Clemente Fuggini, coordinator of the MULTICLIMACT project, delivered a captivating address at the KEY Conference, focusing on enhancing resilience against climate change in the built environment. His insights illuminated the project’s pivotal role in driving sustainable innovation. RIMINI, Italy. 28 February 2024 – At the “Built4People” event hosted by the KEY Conference, the spotlight…

MULTICLIMACT: A Groundbreaking EU Initiative to Safeguard the Built Environment

23 European organisations meet in Milan to launch the EU-funded project MULTICLIMACT, a novel European action to usher in a new era of resilience and sustainability against local natural and climatic hazards. MILAN, 25 October 2023 – Today marks the unveiling of an ambitious and innovative European project, MULTICLIMACT, designed to revolutionize the protection of…

Materials and Sensing Technologies for Building Resilience Planned at MULTICLIMACT Meeting

MULTICLIMACT partners focusing on innovative materials and sensing solutions. Vibrant discussions and site visits underscored their commitment to advancing sustainable technologies. CAMERINO, Italy. 10 January 2024 – A collaborative effort to advance structural health monitoring technologies took place at the University of Camerino (UNICAM) facilities as part of the MULTICLIMACT project. Representatives from UNICAM, Marche…

Pioneering the Future of Built Environment Monitoring with MULTICLIMACT

MULTICLIMACT presented advancements in Building Information Modelling, sensors, and digital technologies for enhancing built environment resilience at IEEE MetroLivEnv 2024 in Greece. Zamora has won the Best Conference Paper Award. CRETE, Greece. 14 June 2024 – As part of the IEEE MetroLivEnv 2024 conference, held on June 12-14 in Chania, Crete, Greece, the MULTICLIMACT project…

MULTICLIMACT Project Takes Center Stage at KEY Conference

Dr. Clemente Fuggini, coordinator of the MULTICLIMACT project, delivered a captivating address at the KEY Conference, focusing on enhancing resilience against climate change in the built environment. His insights illuminated the project’s pivotal role in driving sustainable innovation. RIMINI, Italy. 28 February 2024 – At the “Built4People” event hosted by the KEY Conference, the spotlight…

MULTICLIMACT: A Groundbreaking EU Initiative to Safeguard the Built Environment

23 European organisations meet in Milan to launch the EU-funded project MULTICLIMACT, a novel European action to usher in a new era of resilience and sustainability against local natural and climatic hazards. MILAN, 25 October 2023 – Today marks the unveiling of an ambitious and innovative European project, MULTICLIMACT, designed to revolutionize the protection of…

Materials and Sensing Technologies for Building Resilience Planned at MULTICLIMACT Meeting

MULTICLIMACT partners focusing on innovative materials and sensing solutions. Vibrant discussions and site visits underscored their commitment to advancing sustainable technologies. CAMERINO, Italy. 10 January 2024 – A collaborative effort to advance structural health monitoring technologies took place at the University of Camerino (UNICAM) facilities as part of the MULTICLIMACT project. Representatives from UNICAM, Marche…

Pioneering the Future of Built Environment Monitoring with MULTICLIMACT

MULTICLIMACT presented advancements in Building Information Modelling, sensors, and digital technologies for enhancing built environment resilience at IEEE MetroLivEnv 2024 in Greece. Zamora has won the Best Conference Paper Award. CRETE, Greece. 14 June 2024 – As part of the IEEE MetroLivEnv 2024 conference, held on June 12-14 in Chania, Crete, Greece, the MULTICLIMACT project…

MULTICLIMACT Project Takes Center Stage at KEY Conference

Dr. Clemente Fuggini, coordinator of the MULTICLIMACT project, delivered a captivating address at the KEY Conference, focusing on enhancing resilience against climate change in the built environment. His insights illuminated the project’s pivotal role in driving sustainable innovation. RIMINI, Italy. 28 February 2024 – At the “Built4People” event hosted by the KEY Conference, the spotlight…

MULTICLIMACT: A Groundbreaking EU Initiative to Safeguard the Built Environment

23 European organisations meet in Milan to launch the EU-funded project MULTICLIMACT, a novel European action to usher in a new era of resilience and sustainability against local natural and climatic hazards. MILAN, 25 October 2023 – Today marks the unveiling of an ambitious and innovative European project, MULTICLIMACT, designed to revolutionize the protection of…

Materials and Sensing Technologies for Building Resilience Planned at MULTICLIMACT Meeting

MULTICLIMACT partners focusing on innovative materials and sensing solutions. Vibrant discussions and site visits underscored their commitment to advancing sustainable technologies. CAMERINO, Italy. 10 January 2024 – A collaborative effort to advance structural health monitoring technologies took place at the University of Camerino (UNICAM) facilities as part of the MULTICLIMACT project. Representatives from UNICAM, Marche…

Das perfekte Formular

mit GREYD.Forms

Der integrierte Formulargenerator der GREYD.SUITE enthält alles, was du für professionelle Formulare benötigst:

  • Natives Double Opt-in

  • Schnittstellen zu CRMs, Newsletter Tools, Zapier & Co.

  • Bildkacheln, Multistep & weitere Conversion Booster

  • Conditional Content für deine Kampagnen

  • Mathematische Funktionen

  • Folgeaktionen, Emails & Einträge übersichtlich im Backend

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