MULTICLIMACT and RETIME join Forces to Boost Climate Resilience in Cities

20. September 2024 | News


MULTICLIMACT has partnered with the RETIME project as part of its ongoing efforts to connect with sister projects. This collaboration will focus on sharing knowledge, exploring joint activities, and developing strategies to enhance climate resilience in cities. 

MULTICLIMACT has joined forces with the RETIME project, marking an exciting step towards advancing climate resilience in urban areas. This collaboration will allow both projects to leverage each other’s strengths, fostering a dynamic exchange of knowledge and resources.

Earlier this month, members from both projects gathered for their first joint meeting, where they discussed various opportunities for collaboration. The conversation explored avenues for sharing research insights, co-developing innovative strategies, and identifying potential joint activities that can maximise the impact of both projects.

MULTICLIMACT’s focus on climate resilience through integrated assessments of cities perfectly complements RETIME’s mission of creating adaptable, sustainable urban strategies. Together, we aim to provide robust solutions for climate-resilient cities that are better equipped to handle the growing challenges posed by climate change.

Information sharing between the two projects will be central to this partnership. Both teams are eager to collaborate on upcoming workshops, webinars, and reports, ensuring that the collective expertise is accessible to a broader audience of policymakers, urban planners, and climate experts.

This partnership is a promising step forward in our commitment to enhance urban resilience, and we look forward to working closely with RETIME to shape sustainable cities of the future. For more information about RETIME please visit their website: