As climatic conditions have changed significantly, particularly in the last few decades and the frequency of extreme events such as floods, earthquakes and severe heat waves is increasing, there is an urgent need to plan, design and retrofit the built environment to adapt it to current and future risks. All too often, the built environment is a cause of vulnerability rather than a protection for citizens. For this reason, the mitigation of these risks and adaptation must be actively pursued by placing the built environment and human resilience at the centre of climate and future-proofing measures.

The MULTICLIMACT approach is integrated into relevant international and European initiatives around the topic of climate resilient urban planning, builds on existing knowledge and tools and demonstrates the proposed approach in four case studies that representing different geographical locations, natural and climatic hazards, social and economic systems and scales of analysis.

MULTICLIMACT supports resilience-building activities through the implementation of a toolkit with 18 reliable, easy-to-implement and cost-efficient design methods design methods (6 design ideas), materials (7 materials) and digital solutions (5 digital solutions) that digital solutions) that;

  • allow users to easily assess the impact on the resilience of the object in question,

  • integrate a multidisciplinary approach, i.e. the socio-economic, living, engineering and climate disciplines.